Avantor VWR Now Offers CardioChek Plus and A1CNow+

WHITESTOWN, Ind., Oct. 4, 2023—PTS Diagnostics, a leading provider of rapid lipid, blood glucose and A1C testing devices has entered into an agreement with Avantor, a leading global provider of mission-critical products and services to customers in the life sciences, advanced technologies, and applied materials industries. This partnership will deliver upon the growing customer need for fast, accurate, and portable blood testing devices.

Biopharma and life science companies who need to regularly test and re-test lipid, glucose and A1C can purchase CardioChek Plus and A1CNow+ test systems from VWR, Avantor’s channel brand. These solutions remove the burden of scheduling and rescheduling appointments for blood draws, and often provide a more comfortable experience for patients by requiring only a fingerstick blood sample. The devices also remove some of the hassles of storage and portability of testing equipment by being small, lightweight, and battery-powered, and by allowing room temperature storage of testing materials and control solutions.

“Through our partnership with Avantor, more clinical professionals will benefit from the efficiencies that CardioChek Plus and A1CNow+ test systems have been bringing to the healthcare industry for years. Our accurate, fast, and easy-to-use blood testing systems, combined with Avantor’s market reach, will allow both companies to fulfill their shared mission of meeting the changing needs of our customers,” said Steve Riendeau, Chief Commercial Officer of PTS Diagnostics.

The partnership with Avantor will expand the availability of PTS Diagnostics flagship products to Avantor’s customers in the point-of-care testing space and will position both companies to offer more flexible solutions for a changing life sciences marketplace.

About PTS Diagnostics
PTS Diagnostics provides innovative, superior quality, point-of-care solutions.  Healthcare professionals have used our CardioChek® products to assess cardiovascular disease risks for millions of patients worldwide through lipid panel screening. Our A1CNow® systems, which provide fast and reliable HbA1c testing, have helped physicians deliver more effective treatments to patients with diabetes. For more information, visit ptsdiagnostics.com.

About Avantor
Avantor®, a Fortune 500 company, is a leading global provider of mission-critical products and services to customers in the life sciences and technology industries. Our portfolio is used in virtually every stage of the most important research, development and production activities in the industries we serve. Our global footprint enables us to serve more than 300,000 customer locations and gives us extensive access to research laboratories and scientists in more than 180 countries. We set science in motion to create a better world. For more information, visit avantorsciences.com and find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.


PTS Diagnostics Media Contact

Laurie Gutzwiller
Vice-President Global Marketing




PTS Diagnostics Announces Global Distribution Partnership

Key strategic alliance as both companies work to close gaps in care for patients with chronic disease around the world.

WHITESTOWN, Ind. (May 4, 2023) – PTS Diagnostics, a U.S.-based manufacturer of point-of-care medical testing devices, announced today that they have signed a strategic distribution agreement with BIOSYNEX S.A.

“PTS Diagnostics is very happy to announce our important global distribution partnership with BIOSYNEX S.A. BIOSYNEX is a global leader in diagnostic testing providing a broad portfolio of products across many sectors of healthcare, many of which PTS does not serve today. PTS’ CardioChek® and A1CNow®+ product lines are a perfect complement to the current BIOSYNEX portfolio, and this partnership will position both companies to grow our point-of-care (POC) lipid and A1C businesses. Most importantly, the partnership with PTS will allow BIOSYNEX customers to expand their offerings in the cardiovascular and diabetes space, both growing and costly disease states globally. PTS considers BIOSYNEX a valuable complimentary partner to our current sales team and world class distribution network and we are incredibly excited about the future of this relationship and what it means for patients around the world.” said Steve Riendeau, Chief Commercial Officer of PTS Diagnostics.

“Our collaboration with PTS Diagnostics has greatly contributed to making BHR pharmaceutical part of BIOSYNEX group a key player in UK with more than 12 000 devices placed and more than 4.5M tests since 2009. This new agreement is a major step in our partnership because it opens up important commercial development opportunities in cardiovascular and diabetes diagnostics by giving us access to new applications in new territories.” said Larry Abensur, Chairman and CEO of BIOSYNEX S.A.

About PTS Diagnostics
PTS Diagnostics provides innovative, superior quality, point-of-care solutions.  Healthcare professionals have used our CardioChekÒ products to assess cardiovascular disease risks for millions of patients worldwide through lipid panel screening. Our A1CNow® systems, which provide fast and reliable HbA1c testing, have helped physicians deliver more effective treatments to patients with diabetes. For more information, visit ptsdiagnostics.com.


Specializing in the design and distribution of rapid diagnostic tests in France and in more than 90 countries, BIOSYNEX, a French Laboratory, created in 2005, offers healthcare solutions that improve the overall treatment of patients. For more information visit BIOSYNEX.com


Press Contact:
Laurie Gutzwiller
Vice-President Global Marketing

Steve Riendeau on Pais Positivio

PTS Diagnostics CCO Steve Riendeau
Featured in País Positivo

The following interview with PTS Diagnostics CCO Steve Riendeau recently appeared in the November issue of País Positivo, a monthly editorial magazine on current affairs in Portugal. The original article, written in Portuguese, can be found here. The text below is an English translation.

Master Your Diabetes

Steve Riendeau, Commercial Director of PTS Diagnostics, presents us innovative solutions for people with diabetes, tests for professional or outpatient use with fast, reliable and accurate results.

With regards to the portfolio in the field of diabetes, what can be highlighted?

PTS Diagnostics is the manufacturer of the A1CNow®+ Test System for professional use and the A1CNow® Self Check at-home systems.  Both systems are able to test a person’s A1C using a small fingerstick blood sample and calcuate the result in 5 minutes. The product is NGSP-certified and IFCC-traceable. What sets A1CNow apart from traditional large lab analzyers is that it is small, portable, and battery-powered. Thisallows for ease of use in a variety of settings.

 The A1CNow+ professional product line allows for informed conversations to take place at the point of care between physician and patient. They can discuss how a patient is managing their diabetes in minutes and not have to wait a few days for the test results to come back.

For many individuals living with diabetes  thi could bes as a “game changer” in that they can have a direct insight into the effectiveness of their glucose management efforts and take the proper actions to either maintain or improve those efforts it moving forward. 

How is PTS Diagnostics addressing the future of patient care?

At present, new models of addressing and accessing patient health care have led to an increased focus on closing gaps in care as discrepancies between the recommended medical practices and the care that’s being provided continue. The health care industry is in search of better ways to fill in the gaps.

Those gaps in care are the difference between the health care that we are receiving and what is considered medical best practices. These are becoming increasingly an issue due to the current COVID-19 environment, because getting access to health care has been more challenging for people.

An examples of a gap in care would be where you are supposed to be getting an age-related screening and you’ve missed that screening.  As a result, you may be missing some insight into your health

We have the ability to help close those gaps utilizing our point of care solutions. PTS Diagnostics, bring certified accuracy, precision and speed together to innovate point of care. 

Quality of life is important for diabetes patients. In response, what innovative solutions does PTS Diagnostics offer in order to facilitate the day-to-day life of these patients?

We have been in business for well over 20 years. Here in the U.S., we develop and manufacture a series of point-of-care instruments through which, with a simple fingerstick,  people can gain actionable insights into their health.

Our A1CNow+ test system offers those living with diabetes a method by which they can test their HbA1c and obtain anaccurate HbA1c result in a matter of minutes. This can give both healthcare physicians treating their diabetic patients and the patients themselves, a direct look into how a patient’s diabetes is being managed. Based upon the result calculated, it allows for face-to-face dialogue and consultation between the healthcare provider and the patient.

Our A1CNow solutions are configured so they can be utilized in a professional healthcare facility, wellness event, or inside a patient’s home.  

How do PTS Diagnostics products combine technology and diagnostic solutions to facilitate patient/healthcare provider interaction?

One of the benefits of our devices is that the professional user can  have consultation directly with the patient and discuss their numbers, their
results, their understanding of how they’re managing these diseases. With our
diagnostics solutions, portable technology can deliver test results all at the
point of care, creating the ability for a patient’s medical information to be
shared in a matter of minutes rather than several days.

The key to success for patients in their long term health and well-being is their engagement or disease processes. There’s nothing that maximizes that better than having results of a test readily available and immediately discussed with the provider through its people,
technology and service.

Where do you see your technology being utilized more in the future?

Access to testing continues to improve  with the help of our technology in alternate health care settings such as the pharmacy, the workplace, telemedicine, and most recently inside the patient’s homes. The points of care have been redefined. Presently, we are now looking an increase in the care at home, with options from visiting nurses and other entities.


There is nothing more valuable than being able to provide a lab test at that time of that visit. Pharmacies have now become a critical access point for patients because they have a tendency to go there frequently and can get several needs met at one time, as we’ve seen with COVID-19 vaccinations here. 

We see our point of care testing solutions fulfilling possible new roles and services that these sectors, particularly ones that the pharmacies are being asked to provide by terms of testing for cholesterol, glucose, etc. As the roles of the pharmacies are changing worldwide, we are growing with them through this time as evident by the work we’ve been focused on with groups such as Alphega Pharmacy.

Bridge Purchasing Solutions Joins the PreVantage™ Partnership Network

Key strategic alliance as both companies work to close gaps in care for patients with chronic disease.

WHITESTOWN, Ind. (September 30, 2021) – PTS Diagnostics, a U.S.-based manufacturer of point-of-care medical testing devices, announced today that they have signed a strategic alliance agreement with Bridge Purchasing Solutions Inc. 

“Bridge has built a very unique digital voucher platform that helps payors and businesses who have employees that need point-of-care testing to provide increased access while closing critical care gaps related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” said Steve Riendeau, Chief Commercial Officer of PTS Diagnostics. “As a result of the pandemic, many people have been unable to get important annual biometrics such as cholesterol and A1C testing.  The Bridge platform allows electronic vouchers to be sent to an individual’s mobile phone where they can take it to a participating retail pharmacy to get the tests conducted. The platform also allows for seamless redemption of incentives which often accompany this testing. The PreVantage Partnership Network is focused on bringing companies together with a common mission of closing gaps in care for patients with chronic diseases and this is another opportunity for us to do so.  PTS feels strongly that this strategic alliance is a great fit for our customers.” 

PTS is a global leader in the production and distribution of point-of-care solutions. “It’s a privilege to be part of the PreVantage Network.” said Ken Erickson, CEO of Bridge Purchasing Solutions.  “Our next generation B2B2E (Business to Business to Employee) fintech platform makes it possible to issue digital payment cards directly to an employee which can only be redeemed at the specified retail pharmacy partner.  The frictionless payments, compliance reporting along with increased adherence are also keys to our future success.  When combined with the world class products from PTS we are convinced our clients will embrace the solution.”  


About PTS Diagnostics
PTS Diagnostics provides innovative, superior quality, point-of-care solutions.  Healthcare professionals have used our CardioChek. products to assess cardiovascular disease risks for millions of patients worldwide through lipid panel screening. Our A1CNow® systems, which provide fast and reliable HbA1c testing, have helped physicians deliver more effective treatments to patients with diabetes. For more information, visit ptsdiagnostics.com. 

About Bridge Purchasing Solutions
Bridge, an innovative FinTech company, is on a mission to remove the barriers that hinder compliance with a healthy lifestyle including education, access, and cost. Bridge works with employers, health plans, and other health advocates to educate and drive employees and members to low-cost retail providers. The bridge platform can be used to drive compliance with health activities such as immunizations and biometric screenings, encourage healthy food choices, track ongoing management of at-risk members and deliver reward incentives in near real time. To find out how Bridge can help you and your organization achieve your healthcare goals vision Bridgepurchasingsolutions.com or email info@Bridgemart.com. 


Press Contact:
Laurie Gutzwiller 
Executive Director, Marketing

Bringing the Hospital, and the Lab, Home

The home health industry had already been growing steadily for years before COVID-19 came along; but the pandemic, and the need for virtual, “socially distanced” health services that came with it, have exponentially accelerated that growth. It not only increased demand for home health services, but also prompted the U.S. to propose changes to government funding of home- and community-based services (HCBS).

At the time of this writing, members of the United States Congress are debating an infrastructure funding package that could include as much as $400 billion for home and community-based services (HCBS). 1 (Globally, U.S spending on HCBS is much lower than that of nearly all other developed countries.1) If that funding is approved, we will likely see much bigger investments in home health programs from both payors and provider agencies. But we may also see changes to policies on reimbursement for home health services that would require agencies to show evidence of improved health outcomes for their patients.

As a result, many home health agencies and hospital systems may need to invest in new tools and resources that will help them deliver high-quality care to the rapidly growing and changing population of home-based patients.

The Picture of Home Health

Many people still think of home health as an option that is only for people who have been discharged from a hospital or nursing home. But today, many home health service providers are tasked not only with helping patients who have left a hospital setting, but also preventing patients from being admitted to a hospital or nursing home

So, who are today’s home health patients? First, according to recent Medicare data, only one-third of patients were assigned to home health care after a hospital or nursing home stay. Two-thirds are referred to home health from the community. 2

Home health patients also tend to be people who need help managing complex comorbidities. Nearly 50 percent of them have five or more chronic conditions, such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease. Only 22.4% of all Medicare beneficiaries must manage that many conditions all at once.2

What Will Today’s Home Health Providers Need to Succeed?

To be most effective in serving the growing complexity of their patient population, home health providers must build a comprehensive system that includes not only hands-on care, but also remote patient monitoring, lab work, radiology, and medication delivery. And, to make the system work, they will need to find ways to enhance their ability to communicate and collaborate with all the members of a patient’s care team.3 Some experts also think that home health agencies may need to become more specialized, with specific programs dedicated to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory health and more. And, as they expand to offer these services and more, home health agencies will want to consider how to best improve quality of care while reducing costs. 3

One health outcome measurement that both government payors (Medicare) and private payers will likely track is hospital admissions and readmissions. There is already some evidence that home-based primary care can reduce ER visits, hospitalizations, and 30-day readmissions for homebound patients. Early results of a 5-year Medicare program called Independence at Home showed not only these reductions in hospitalizations, but also an average annual cost savings of $2,700 per beneficiary.3

How Can Point-of-Care Testing Help?

Some healthcare providers have expressed reluctance over a broad shift to home health. One of the reasons often cited is that patients may not be continuously monitored at home in the same ways they are in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or nursing home. They worry that subtle but significant changes in a patient’s vital signs or biometric measurements might be missed, and along with it, the chance to adjust treatment in a way that could improve and prolong the patient’s life.

But advancements in remote patient monitoring, medical records sharing, and rapid biometric testing can help ensure that a patient’s health status can be closely tracked at home, and that any necessary adjustments to the patient’s treatment plan based on those on changes can be quickly communicated to the home care team and the patient.

One example is in tracking lipid panel and A1C results for home-based patients with heart disease and diabetes. Regularly tracking these two metrics in addition to other vital signs and biometric measurements may help providers identify which patients are at the highest risk for eventual hospitalizations due to less-than-optimal management of their conditions.

Some studies have shown that reducing cholesterol levels that are too high can lessen the risk of heart attack or heart-disease related death4, and optimal control of blood glucose can make a difference in reducing diabetes complications.5 Furthermore, some evidence shows that poor glycemic control in patients with diabetes is associated with an increase hospitalization due to heart disease or any other cause.6

The ability for home health providers to gather accurate lipid panel and A1C results at the patient’s home in minutes, instead of the usual days or weeks it can take to get test results from a lab can make a difference in two ways:

– It can improve overall workflow efficiency, resulting in a related reduction in staff time and costs.

– It gives providers the opportunity to get same-visit feedback on their progress and setback in terms of their glucose and cholesterol control. Prompt feedback can help make new information “stick” and can help motivate patients to act on new knowledge they have gained. 7

When you combine these added efficiencies with better informed and more engaged patients, and with highly-skilled healthcare providers, you have a winning formula for high-value/low-cost service—something that both patients and payors like to see.

While the finer details of home health care policies in the U.S. are not yet certain, there is little doubt that demand for home-based care will continue to grow, and along with it, the need for home-health-friendly tools and services.

If you have any questions about the benefits of point of care testing in home health settings, please reach out to us. We are happy to help in any way we can. Start by visiting ptsdiagnostics.com/contact-us.


1 https://homehealthcarenews.com/2021/06/senators-advocates-tout-once-in-a-generation-opportunity-for-funding-hcbs/

2 https://homehealthcarenews.com/2021/01/top-home-health-trends-for-2021/

3 https://hbr.org/2019/10/5-obstacles-to-home-based-health-care-and-how-to-overcome-them

4 https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/heart-disease-lower-cholesterol-risk#1-3

5 https://spectrum.diabetesjournals.org/content/16/4/217 

6 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11892-018-0989-1

7 https://edume.com/blog/role-of-feedback-in-improving-learning